Sunday, July 18, 2010

First Sleepover at Aintin's House

Last night was Luke's first sleepover at Aintin and Uncle Rob's house.  It was somewhat impromptu, as we only decided to spend the night after already spending several hours here in the afternoon.  We had Luke's overnight diaper and pajamas, but we did not have a place for sleeping.  For naps at Aintin's house, we usually make up a little bed on the floor in one of the air conditioned bedrooms.  However, I was a little nervous about a full night of sleeping because of Luke's newfound mobility.  I kept the monitor very close to him, and I kept the receiver next to my ear whenever he was in the bedroom.  After hearing nothing but one little grunt, I moved quickly upstairs only to open the bedroom door and find Luke had rolled onto the hardwood floor.  It was then that Luke did all his sleeping in our Ergo baby carrier until I was ready to go to bed. 

We will have to solve this bedding issue for next time. 

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