Friday, October 3, 2008
Post Nuptial Depression
I am suffering from a self-diagnosed form of PND - post nuptial depression. (No, it's not in the DSM-IV, but I will get it put in the DSM-V for sure!) It's now been 6 days since the wedding, and although I am recovering, I am still feeling the pangs of sadness now that the wedding's all over. Some things that cause a tear to fall every so often include the bouquet I've hung to dry, my wedding dress draped over a chair in my bedroom, the veil hanging above the stairs (still wrinkled from it's days in a plastic bag), and of course, the pictures sent by friends and family. I really did cry a little bit when I saw the pics for the first time, but each day since, I've been able to choke back the tears a little more, and was finally able to smile once or twice when seeing how happy we looked on Saturday.
So, the real question here is "Am I crazy?" Am I? (I think I can actually hear the dreaded answer over the Web. Don't shout!) I anticipated feeling this way after the wedding, considering the months of wedding planning. I thoroughly enjoyed much of it - from the time I spent researching the most economical way to buy bubbles, straight through to the entire day Colleen and I spent ironing on the Phillies shirts. It was all a pleasure! (Now I hear you screaming how crazy I am!)
I am doing better now, even though I keep thinking things like, "Last week at this time, I was..." (at the time I'm writing this, I'm thinking "...getting ready for the Phillies game." I try to stay postive thinking that I love my husband. Every time I see his left hand with that ring, it's a little amazing to me! I think of how much fun I had last week and of all the great people who celebrated with us, and my tears turn into smiles.
(Okay, I get it... after re-reading this, I know I'm nuts!)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Quick Update - Read the summary of what's been going on in our lives...
So, yes, it's been awhile since my last post, but even though I've neglected the blog, I've been very organized and up-to-date on real life... virtual life always takes a back seat!
Since the NY trip for Erin's wedding, LOTS has happened! In summary...
- I've been planning the wedding - details, details, details!
- I had an amazing Flanagan-family bachelorette party at the trailers!
- I started my new job.
- Colleen and the bridesmaids threw me a fab bachelorette party!
- We attended Kath & Kristin's weddings (back-to-back wedding weekends).
- I had a birthday that makes me feel old - 27 - yikes!
- That's the short version. I will post more details for each under separate postings.
Give me a couple days to finish - I am planning a wedding and working full-time!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Mad Props
But since I lost and had 20 minutes on my own, I looked at the blog again. I have to say that I think I deserve mad props for posting the picture of me crying on the way home from NY. I think everyone will agree that that picture is not at all flattering, but I posted it nonetheless. Here's to anti-vanity! Bottoms up!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Wedding Website Woes
Even though the invitations have been ready to go since before we left for our trip abroad back in June, I couldn't send them because I hadn't set up the online RSVP page. Each guest's information had to be entered into the online guest book before they would be able to respond. Makes sense.
So after 4th of July weekend, I spend most of the week setting it up, and finally sent out the invitations on Friday. I did however have a mini-heart attack on Monday evening, when I realized most people had probably received their invitations, and Colleen was at my house trying to respond on the site and COULDN'T! I snatched the laptop away from her and got to work. I discovered that WeddingWire had changed their RSVP tool on Friday without my realizing it until Monday evening. After a few hours, all was better. By about 1:30 A.M. the problem was resolved.
Upon waking this morning, I went straight to the website, and saw that 20+ people have already responded! I am psyched! I've always heard about other brides who get excited to check their mail each day for response cards. I can totally relate. It's exciting to see every few hours who else has replied.
Despite the glitch, I am now pleased with the website's response feature and would definitely recommend it to other couples getting married. Not only does it save the bride and groom some money, but the convenience of responding online is great for the guests.
Again, here is the link for the website:
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Our Unbelieveable Journey to and from Upstate New York - A MUST READ POSTING!
I began folding some clothes from the dryer, when I felt something hard in one of the cargo pockets of Chris's shorts. What I found inside made my heart sink - both our passports had been washed and dried in his shorts! This could be big trouble since Chris's visa lives inside his passport, and now, the picture of his face is so faded on his visa page that he may not be given access to leave or reenter the country. I guess we'll have to see about that one, since neither one of us had time to deal with it before we left.
So, we start our journey at about 4 o'clock on Friday afternoon. Chris started driving, with the plan being that I would take over once we were on the slower roads in NY state. All in all, the first three and a half hours were fine. We listened to the IPod and sang along to Queen. Good times! Until...
... we were pulled over by a NY state trooper! Why? I have a headlight out on my car. The good news is that the trooper was very nice to us. He asked where we were going and I announced in my friendliest voice that we had a wedding in Bovina/Delhi area. He chatted to us for a bit, but also asked the the typical documents. Chris handed them over, then did what I consider to be one of the silliest things ever. When the trooper told us the headlight was out, Chris responded, "Oh yeah, I know, I have a bulb in the back, but didn't get around to changing it before we left." I know! Duh! Right? So, the trooper looked at us funny, as if saying with his eyes, "That was not the right response." Any girl knows you bat your lashes at the officer and say, "Oh! Really? I didn't know. Thanks for telling me!" even if the new bulb is taped to your forehead!
After berating Chris for a few minutes (after which I apologized), the trooper returned to the car asking Chris if he had a different license. He confusedly answers no. The trooper then presented us with the next problem.
The trooper told us that Chris's license expired in June! He knew we weren't trying to get over on him, and being the kind person he is, did not fine Chris for driving on an expired license. I did, however, have to produce my license and take over the driving. Before we got on our way, we were given a ticket for the headlight, but were told that if we fixed the light within 24 hours and went to any police station in the whole state to show we fixed it, the ticket essentially disappears. No fine. Sounds great, right? (I'll get on to that one later... I'm working in sequence here.)
I was not happy. The delay with the trooper set us back, and so I was driving in the dark on scary, windy, country roads notorious for deer appearances. I drove VERY slowly, figuring with our luck, if I drove above 30 MPH, I would hit a deer and really ruin the trip! At this point, it would probably be a good idea for me to mention that neither Chris nor I had cell phone reception for the last 80 miles of the trip. Because we anticipated that problem (Erin and Dan prepared us adequately about phones and deer), I printed out directions for every possible place we would need to go, knowing I couldn't call anyone for help. However, Erin and Dan talked to the woman renting our house and asked her whether our group could be given a different house from the one we originally we assigned. I think they saw both houses and decided the switch would be better for all of us. Although they had the best of intentions, we were then in the dark (literally and metaphorically) when it came to directions for the house. Luckily, Kelly arrived in enough time before us to describe how to get there over voicemail. And another lucky thing for us is that I had reception for a 4-mile stint of road, just long enough to listen to the message and jot down her directions.
So we arrive to the house, but Kelly was not sure that I received the message. Since we knew the cell phones would give us problems, we agreed to meet at the Andes Hotel in Andes, NY, about 10 miles from the house. But, we didn't have directions. Argh! So after finally managing to get directions from the woman who rented us the house, we were on our way to the Andes Hotel. We arrived at 9:55 - almost 6 hours after we left our house in Philly!
The next few parts I will skip for now - the fun we had on Friday night and Saturday at the wedding - will be documented in another posting. For now, I will skip to another problem...
Saturday morning, Chris woke up early to try to fix the headlight. Twenty minutes and no luck. So Dennis and Brian give him a hand. A full hour after starting, they give up. For some reason, all three of them we unable to replace the bulb. We didn't think that would be an issue. We thought, we'll go to a gas station, and someone there would be able to help us. So off we drive, back to Andes to a one-pump gas station. Unfortunately, the two attendants were high school-aged girls who had not idea how to help us, but thought we could get some joy in Delhi, a town about 20 minutes away. Again, off we drive. Our destination was County Tire in Delhi. Don't you know, we pull in and the mechanic is driving away. He sees us and stops. From my car window, I explain the whole thing (because I am obviously doing all the driving since Chris is unlicensed). The mechanic turned out to be a major jerk who didn't even want to point us in the direction of another place that could help us, saying that he had "thing to do" as he pointed at his watch. I guess next time, I won't ask a stranger for 30 seconds of verbal help. How dare I?! So, on the road again, we reach the town of Delhi. We stop at two gas stations and a closed auto parts store (it was Saturday at 12:15, by the way). We stopped at a car dealership - no mechanic. Finally, we decide to stop trying to get the damn thing fixed and to just show up at the police station and state our case.
I put on lip gloss before entering the police station. I know how bad that is, but we'd had bad luck, and if Avon could help me out of this one, I was gonna try! I told the officer the whole story told above, but added that I wouldn't drive at night and we'd be out of his state by Sunday afternoon. He said it wasn't a problem... just get it fixed in Philly, have a garage write a "certified" letter that they fixed it, send the whole thing back to the judge, and we'd be fine. This is clearly different than what the trooper told us, so I tried to clarify. Yeah, that didn't help. He just said the same thing again, but used smaller words as if I were some sort of country bumpkin. I decided to just be happy with his second explanation, even though as we walked out of the station, Chris and I grumbled about the time we'd wasted all morning. Chalk it up to being lazy for so long and not getting the head light fixed, I guess.
(We end up having a great time at the wedding despite all this, and although I will delineate those events in another post, will briefly mention here that due to all the problems of the morning and previous day, I probably (some would say definitely) overindulged in wine at the reception. This will be important information to know for the next problem.)
I'll keep this one brief. We left the car windows open all night, and it rained. Not gonna be a fun ride for 4.5 hours with a wet bum!
I had a hard time waking up, so Chris very nicely packed most of our stuff while I slept in (a.k.a recovered). He even packed the car completely. I was a little fragile, so I needed a bit more time to get ready, and the others left by abotu ten o'clock in the morning. We made our move at 10:30. Packed and ready to go. When I began driving, though, something didn't feel right...
Driving at snail's pace down Route 28 for over 60 miles - while stopping at every open-looking business along the way to ask about an open garage - took AGES! We were finally on the road at 11:25, and did not arrive to the Kingston area until almost two o'clock! The drive should have taken 45 minutes! We arrived at a gas station to use their payphone to (1) call my parents who only knew we had car trouble through the short stint of cell phone service we had, and to (2) find a place we hoped would be open to change the tire on a Sunday.
We found a Walmart! We now LOVE corporate-ized America!
Above, Chris is sitting across from me at the smelly Friendly's in Kingston as we wait for the tire to be changed.
Same thing. Just done with the whole trip. This is me in the Friendly's. I was too frustrated, tired, and hungry to be worried about Weight Watchers on this day!
The car was ready at about four o'clock, so we hit the interstate at about 4:15. I was exhausted, and all I could think of was how this would make a great story. But the more I thought about it, the more unbelieveable the whole thing sounded. Despite the fact that this posting is already a few feet long on your screen, I haven't included all the terrible, soul-destroying details. I can guarantee, promise, pinky-swear that all facts above are true and happened to us!
But it's over now. And we do have a good story to tell!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
To make my mental state even worse, I went through my banking history yesterday and realized that the check I sent to Choo Choo Trolley was never deposited. Of course they close at 5 o'clock, and I realized this problem at 5:15. When I called this morning, they said they had one reserved a while back, but never received my deposit. Argh! I thought I was organized; I guess I have to think again! The man said I could call back tomorrow to speak to one of the women at the place, who MAY be able to set me up with a trolley. Oh my goodness... I really wanted a trolley.... There goes bridezilla again!
I knew I was getting a bit overwhelmed, so I started looking into local wedding coordinators for the last minute stuff as well as being there for the wedding day and making sure it all goes smoothly. Well, we're not made of money, and I think Chris sees this as THE expense that we could avoid. I was quoted between $700 and $1000 from a local wedding planner. I am on the fence with this one... is it worth $1000 to not go crazy? Has anyone else used or not used a coordinator, and feel strongly about the decision? I need major feedback!
Later tonight, I am going to FINALLY put together a spreadsheet that lists all expenses (both paid and balances) for all wedding costs. Just knowing that I have to do this is causing me to break out in hives! I have a feeling of dread about what number I will see at the end. I should have taken all the bridal mags' advice when they said to set a budget FIRST! I'll post later. If I don't, you know the final number with dollar signs made me jump out the attic window. Oh my....
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Happy Birthday, Home!
Although we didn't move in until mid- to late-July, according to paperwork, we've been homeowners for a year. It's time for some reflection, I guess, and all I can think about is how much we've done in that year!
When I consider what we have done to the house in just a year, I am pretty amazed, even though there is still work to be done. We completely gutted the second floor from ceilings to floors and everything in between. I think we've definitely accomplished our goals for the first year.
Going forward, I think the focus will be getting organized and maintaining it. It's only a matter of time before Chris makes me do a "clean sweep" of the house and rid it of clothes and things not used within our first year. Of course most of the junk is mine. But I am working on it. I am much better now than I've ever been. I am becoming more tidy and organized everyday. I think that the new work-from-home job will help me to continue being more focused on keeping a nice home. (I sound like an 1950s housewife there!)
And of course, we will try to re-do the bathrooms and kitchen when we aren't so broke due to the wedding!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Hen Party in London
The while thing started back in May when Chris told me he wanted to have his stag party while we were both in the UK in June. Not willing to deny him the pleasure of such fun, I thought, "Hmmm, what will I do while he's out doing God knows what?" And that's when I thought about asking some girls to get together for a hen party the same night as Chris's stag party.
The girls - Charli, Jo, Kathryn, Lauren, Nicky, and Purvi - put together a great night! We started at Kathryn's flat with champagne, Pimm's, and a cake with miniature chocolate penises on it. Love it! They also "dressed the hen" by giving me a tiara with a veil (handmade by Jo), a set of pom poms, a hot pink boa, and a princess wand. And I can't forget the hen party shirts. We each got one. They are cute little v-neck black tees with "Don't Stop Me Now, I'm Having Such a Good Time" written on the front. That was a recommendation by Charli from our days of dancing on stage to that song in front of all the kids and staff at Camp Neumann. I still remember the entire dance - and do it EVERY time I hear the song, no matter where I am!
Then it was on to dinner - the Afghan Kitchen. Was delicious! After food, we went across the street to a swanky bar with yummy girly drinks. I had something that tasted like liquid marshmallows, recommended by Purvi. We then went to the pub next door with great music and cheap drinks. It was there that Lauren dropped her Blackberry in the toilet and was forced to take a shot of tequila as a punishment for answering work e-mails on a Saturday night. (Picture below!) Purvi and Jo had some sort of pom pom war which I documented with bout 30 photos on my camera - one of them is pictured below.
Once we had enough of the pub, it was off to Club de Fromage - yes, the club of cheese! And that's exactly what it was! Cheesy 80s and 90s music. I was thrilled. it was absolutely my kind of club! Lauren and Charli kept disappearing to request that the DJ play "Don't Stop Me Now." I think it was at least 2 A.M. when he finally played it! At some point, Jo got a text saying something about her friend who was willing to bail us out of jail if it came down to that! Of course we weren't that bad, but I appreciate that she planned so well, she thought of every possible scenario! Nicky decided to take my camera from me, and began to really document the night by passing it around to all the girls. Thank goodness for that, because I doubt I would have remembered to take a single picture with all the fun I was having!
We wandered out at about 3 A.M. and found a kebab shop for late night snacks. Charli, Lauren, and I went back to Lauren's flat, and although Charli swears we're wrong, we think we saw the first of the morning light on the walk back!
Hen Party Pictures
Lauren, Kathryn, and Nicky after dinner.
Me and Lauren acting "American" as stated by Charli - pictures in phone boxes are apparently for tourists only!
Shouldn't have been e-mailing at 10 PM on a Saturday night!
The "L" plate - these are placed on cars in the U.K. when people are learning how to drive. The "L" stands for "learner." Hmmm....
I think "Walk Like an Egyptian" was on in the pub.
Club de Fromage - I have no idea what song I was singing, but I was definitely into it!
Me and Lauren
The side of Charli's face, Lauren, Nicky
Nicky, Kathryn, Charli
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Bridal Shower!
Just a pic of how colorful and cute the inside of the tent was!
They got me there thinking it was a barbeque. Since Chris and I always hang out with Colleen and her BF Rob, I was not at all surprised that they wanted to have us over to grill and watch the Phillies game that afternoon. However, I wanted to finish the invitations at home that day, and I flat out told Chris and Colleen that I had too much to do and would not be going to the BBQ. In fact, the night before, I had written out a detailed schedule of everything I wanted to do. I had plans up to about 7 o'clock that night. Little did I know when I wrote out that schedule that I would be drinking sangria and opening gifts at the exact time I was supposed to be on the treadmill at the gym!
Because Chris went to see a Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs game the night before and stayed with friends in Bethlehem, when I woke up, he had to get back early to try to convince me to go to Col and Rob's BBQ. I was adament. I was not going. It was Saturday, and we had to be out the door before 7 A.M. on Tuesday for a two-week trip to Europe. Plus I wanted the invitations to go out before we flew out from JFK. But Chris was persistent, and I couldn't stand to see him beg, so I gave in. I didn't think much of it when he actually suggested what I should wear, even though he NEVER EVER EVER tells me what to wear. I wore a cute green sundress, and part of me did it all on my own since I'd been watching a lot of What Not to Wear. I figured those cotton summery dresses are comfy and good for hot weather, and those hosts on the show are always talking about how what you put on is always about comfort. Anyway, it was a lucky week to get into that show! I've heard horror stories about girls who show up to their showers in sweatpants!
We had cake, then two more games. We played two truths and a lie, where each guest wrote 2 true things and 1 lie about me. Other guests had to guess what each lie was. It was fun. We gave away a lot of salsa on that game! The next game involved a plunger and toilet paper. I'll let you guess about that one, but it was a race with a raunchy focus, and my team lost :(After all that, many of the guests started to leave, and I couldn't help but think the whole thing went by so quickly. It was a great time, but it flew by. The next day, I asked Colleen if she thought it went by in a flash. She made a good point: she said not only was I there a full hour after everyone else, but I was the center of attention, doing everything offered, whereas the guests were not as busy. I guess that makes sense, but I hope the same doesn't happen at the wedding--all over before I know it.The boys (Chris, Rob, and Donna's husband Brian) came back from the bar where they watched the Phillies towards the end of the shower. The group that stayed late was small, but fun. It was co-ed at that point and loads of fun. Perhaps we'd had too many Mexican cocktails, but the after-party was just as great as the afternoon fiesta.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Conrad Erb @
His work is fantastic, and he is great to work with. We did an engagement picture session with him, and he made both of us at ease.
A Rose Bouquet @
The Port Richmond florist, London Creations was recommended to me by 3 different people. When I called them, they were booked for our date. I saw a sign on a telephone pole with A Rose Bouquet's phone number. Thank God I found them! Their prices are unbeatable, and Jose, one of the owners, was friendly and wonderful to work with. I spoke with three references, and all raved about them. FOR ANYONE USING LONDON CREATIONS: Check A Rose Bouquet before committing to London. A friend of mine saved about $600 by switching to A Rose Bouquet rather than using London. Seriously, check them out.
Martin's Video @
They came recommended by a friend. I saw their video. Good quality and good price. They list all their packages and prices on the website. From the research I did, I couldn't find anyone cheaper.
Reception Venue
Finnigan's Wake @
The cocktail hour will be held in the Lincoln Level, the one that overlooks the main floor. Dinner and dancing will be in the Franklin Room (top level). The room is big and has character. It is definitely not like one of those nondescript halls. Suzanne handles the catering and Franklin Room use, and she is more than helpful. She's answered my phone calls promptly. The price per head is reasonable. I looked into a number of venues, and there was nothing of the same sort of quality for the price. I think the price is in part because of the bar. A Saturday wedding will let out when the downstairs bar is in full swing. For our wedding and guests, that was actually a selling point, rather than a deterrent.
Rehearsal Dinner
Chickie's and Pete's @
We're having a huge rehearsal dinner since we're inviting all the out-of-town folk. They can accommodate us at a reasonable price. Every time I have called, I have been called back within a few hours or early next business day (if I call late). The woman who handles parties at South Philly is very nice and helpful.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
My First Blog
Over the past few years, there have been times when I would think, "I wish I would have brought a camera," or "It'd be great to make a scrapbook of these memories," and of course, those moments passed me by without a photograph or caption. I decided to create a blog to document special moments in my life -- soon to be "our" life -- since there are so many wonderful things happening these days.
In the past year, we got engaged, bought and moved into a new house, and I changed jobs. Now, I am in the midst of wedding planning and attempting to keep our home a nice, happy place to be. Although it may not be a life of glamour, it is a great life, and it's the one I've always wanted. I can't think of a better reason to blog than to keep track of these wonderful memories we're creating.